Social - Alice Ice

aliceice |

Oh gods it's true it's so fucking true dragncrysmile

A post on Twitter from user rahaeli (@rahaeli) that reads, "Sometimes people ask me how I know all the random shit I know (with varying levels of politeness and belief in it's veracity) and all I got is 'I have ADHD, an internet connection, really good research skills, and zero self-regulatory mechanisms'"

Some projects funded by programme:

GNU : Full Source bootstrap
GNU Mes on ARM and RISC-V
: Continuous integration system for GNU

You enjoy how ’s rooted in a minimal binary seed, thanks NGI!
You enjoy to have Guix binary substitutes, thanks NGI!

Support the Open Letter to the European Commission, spread the word.


yr favorite mascot said trans rights.

A tweet from Chiitan, the 0-year old fairy baby otter mascot tweets "Yes! Transgender people are my precious family and I love them with the bottom of my heart.

"Transgender people are less accepted in Japane than in the US, and people may look strange when they declare their identity, but I don't mind. It's a small thing like people saying bad things about Chiitan, so it's not an issue. It's far more important that transgender people all over the world 'are able to enjoy life peacefully being themselves, as a matter of course.'

"I will continue to send out messages to protect the rights of trans people. Please lend your support to Chiitan. Your voices give me energy. I love you all. Please continue to be by my side."

Below this is a picture of the mascot, wielding a giant soft-looking sword and shield.

One of the reasons I appreciate and respect trans people, is that understanding yourself at that level, and choosing to assert your identity in that way, is punk (as in rock) as fuck.

I suspect this might be what triggers some bigots so easily too. They could never do so for themselves in their own lives.


solidarity 102% in DE!

🇪🇺 Es gibt eine EU-Petition für eine europ. Vermögenssteuer, initiiert u.a. von Marlene Engelhorn und Thomas Piketty.

💸 Die Steuer wollen sehr viele Menschen, deswegen kann die Petition erfolgreich sein.

🔢 Österreich 20%, da fehlen noch 10.000.

👏 Belgien: 66%, Dänemark 88%

(Frankreich: 200% 😮 )

In vielen Staaten fehlt noch viel.

✍️ Schickt sie in alle Länder - und zeichnet mit!

Settlement news today: Oracle to stop data harvesting and pay $115 million.
Congratulations to Mike Katz-Lacabe, Jennifer Goldbeck, and Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP
(We withdrew the global class for which I was a plaintiff)
Context about Oracle’s chicanery —>

(Dia)critical error ⚠️

Tö thøse wîth diåcrìtics iñ theïr näme… I şeê yoü!

Why doesn't technology acknowledge our existence? Programmers of the world, we want answers!

Comic strip with four panels. In the first panel, Linguist is sitting at a desk with a laptop, muttering "Hmm... insert first and last name”. In the next panel, she is happily typing on the laptop, saying "Easy peasy lemon squeezy!". In the third panel, a close-up of a computer screen displays the error message: "Φ, ñ, ü, ç, invalid. Please insert real characters only”. In the last panel, Linguist looks sad and utters: "Are you saying... I'm... not... real?". Watermark: Linguist Gone Foreign. Form on the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website, asking for family name. The entry field is highlighted, and below it in red text, it says "Family Name contains invalid characters."

Verstehe ich das richtig? Die Daten aus der #Stadtradeln APP werden über dann an Kommunen etc. verkauft?

Und dann auch noch von "Datenspendenden" reden?

Wenn's um das Gemeinwohl gehen würde, dann sollten diese Daten kostenlos verfügbar sein, schließlich werden die Eingangsdaten von allen Teilnehmenden gespendet.

@fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de

speaking of propagators, this just showed up on the HN front page

very cool!

new blog post: functional reactive user interfaces with propagators

a fun little experiment in declarative ui that doesn't do the react virtual dom thing.

@dthompson @daviwil I remember Sussmann saying the same in *We Really Don't Know How to Compute*, that the syntax he used for propagators is not necessarily final and that we should find a more expressive way to represent them

Personally I think visual graphs show a lot of promise in this regard, since they seem like a pretty nearly 1:1 mapping, e.g.:

Vielleicht können CDU/CSU/FDP/SPD/Grüne ja aus Frankreich die Idee abgucken, dass man Wahlen gewinnen kann, wenn man entschieden GEGEN Rechtsextreme auftritt?

(Noch krasser: In dem sie auch noch darauf verzichten, die rassistische Politik einfach selbst zu erledigen?)

@crowbriarhexe I'm not arguing that she didn't take inspiration from better works, merely that she did in fact write the HP books, and that those books were never actually unbiased or unproblematic and are in fact perfectly consistent with her current right wing reactionary tantrum phase.

I wonder: Does anyone want to write their own browser engine? In your choice of language/framework?

Because I'm happy to mentor! I've found some tricks in my own attempts.

Since I see plenty of thirst for more options...

Dear and Fedi friends, I hope I can ask you all a question. I am a researching a good publishing plan.

is essential, and I wonder what the modern preferred format for blind readers of self-published or indie novels is.

Additionally, what would your advice be on making more accessible to people who are blind when self-publishing a novel?

Please boost for reach.

If there's one thing I've learned as a browser-engine dev: Everything is political!

The most mundane things (e.g. how we answer "what time is it?") has the weight of historical politics behind it.

Software freedom is a political project, you can't "leave politics out of it"!

It makes a lot more sense to ask "how is this political?" than "is this political?". Because it is!

Shower thought: Companies only pay taxes on their profits — after subtracting all overhead from their revenue. People should get the same treatment. After subtracting our reasonable housing costs, electricity, water, transportation and a reasonable rate for their time (since companies get to deduct salaries to employees as overhead, we should get to do the same), the remainder is what we should pay taxes on.

git add && git commit -m "More accurate language" && git push -f

A diff of a file named

Under a heading "On ideologically motivated changes" it replaces the following:

"This is a purely technical project. As such, it is not an appropriate arena to advertise your personal politics or religious beliefs. Any changes that appear ideologically motivated will be rejected."

with this:

"This is a project run by people with established political views. As such, it is not an appropriate arena for ideas that run counter to those views. Any changes that appear to require us to examine our current beliefs will be rejected."

I am so tired of repeating this, but it seems to be evergreen:

The people behind a project cannot and will not avoid forcing their politics on the project. Software, like art, is inherently political. This cannot be changed. Therefore you must judge a project not only by technical quality of the code, but by the conduct and opinions of the people who write it.

While is trending, keep in mind the devs are misogynist and transphobic fucks 0:-)
