Social - Alice Ice

Social - Alice Ice

aliceice |

So ein Satz darf einfach in keinem von der mitunterschriebenen Papier stehen. Punkt.

"Bei Menschen, die arbeiten können und wiederholt zumutbare Arbeit verweigern, wird ein vollstÀndiger Leistungsentzug vorgenommen."

If you're bald and you got a hair transplant, that's gender-affirming care. If you got a flat ass and you got a BBL, that's gender-affirming care. If you got a boob job or lip fillers, that's gender-affirming care.

Gender-affirming care is not limited to trans people. Everyone who feels the need to affirm their gender identity and expression through medical procedures receive gender-affirming care.

Antifeminist*innen versuchen uns zu spalten. Aber wir wissen: Feminismus und der Kampf fĂŒr ein gutes Leben gehen nur gemeinsam. Als Linke kĂ€mpfen wir fĂŒr gleiche Rechte, Schutz vor Gewalt und Diskriminierung fĂŒr alle Frauen*. Wir verteidigen die Rechte von Frauen und von LGTBIQ+ an jedem Tag, nicht nur am 8. MĂ€rz.

Die Grafik zeigt Kathrin Vogler, die queerpolitische Sprecherin der Linken im Bundestag. Sie trĂ€gt eine gemusterte Bluse in Blau- und Grautönen sowie eine offene graue Jacke. Der Hintergrund ist lila mit geometrischen Formen in verschiedenen Lilatönen. Ein großes Zitat in weißer und fetter pinker Schrift lautet: „Ob Hete, Lesbe, trans oder cis: Feminismus mit Biss!“ Darunter steht der Name „Kathrin Vogler“ in einem kleinen lila Kasten. Unten rechts befindet sich das Logo der Partei „Die Linke“ auf einem roten Hintergrund.

„MĂ€dchen“ ist eine Zuschreibung, die das Neugeborene in eine bereits vorhandene symbolische Ordnung einfĂŒgt.!6065954/

Serena Williams streckt vor Freude eine Hand in die Höhe. Vor ihr lÀchelt ein MÀdchen in die Kamera, es hÀlt einen TennisschlÀger in der Hand. Beschriftung; 
"Was ein ‚MĂ€dchen‘ ist, lĂ€sst sich nicht definieren, sondern nur immer wieder neu mit Bedeutung fĂŒllen. MĂ€dchensein bedeutet heute etwas anderes als 1950." Nichts wird das Leben eines Kindes so sehr prĂ€gen wie als MĂ€dchen wahrgenommen zu werden, meint taz-Autorin Antje Schrupp.

Vor drei Wochen: Google Kalender entfernt Black History Month und Women’s History Month

Gestern: Apple entfernt International Women’s Day aus dem Kalender in den US

One of the hardest things to explain to people without ADHD:

‱ when it’s interesting, I can start on it
‱ when it’s uninteresting, I can’t

Note that the second one is not “I don’t want to.” I literally CAN’T.

I have to convince my brain it is interesting to even get started.

Yes! My init file is finally my own. Brought over the last few modules from the crafted-emacs config over to my own setup. Feels so good to have a complete overview over everything emacs in one location :-) Extremely grateful to the community and @daviwil for making the emacs transition so much easier for me, especially on the focus on creating a config that is _supposed_ to be superseded by a personal config when you get more experienced...

Thank you for 140 follows over the first day! 😯

Here's a question to get warmed up: how are you planning to use Encyclia? Assuming you could follow whatever ORCID record(s) you wanted, which ones are you interested in having in your feed?

Feel free to explain or add other ideas in the replies as well.

If opting out of the Internet of Surveillance somehow stunts my growth, I’m directionally okay with that.

I don’t need a weather app to tell me if it’s raining.

And I don’t need Google Analytics to tell me if people are reading.

Bin bisschen genervt, alle bewerfen sich mit BeitrĂ€gen, die sie ununterbrochen teilen fĂŒr Petitionen auf Campact und WeAct, 100.000e haben da gezeichnet. Petitionen, die von der Politik ĂŒbersehen werden können. Aber die Petition, die wenn sie NUR 30.000 Mitzeichnende hat, vom Bundestag wahrgenommen werden muss, kommt grad mal auf 2500
Können wir mal alle mitmachen:

Sicherstellung einer langfristigen ausreichenden Finanzierung fĂŒr zivilgesellschaftliche Initiativen

Mozilla have published an update to this:
> "UPDATE: We’ve seen a little confusion about the language regarding licenses, so we want to clear that up. We need a license to allow us to make some of the basic functionality of Firefox possible. Without it, we couldn’t use information typed into Firefox, for example. It does NOT give us ownership of your data or a right to use it for anything other than what is described in the Privacy Notice."

I want to break this down.

🌾 Torreya and Shichimi

A colour illustration of two fictional characters from the comic series Pepper&Carrot. Torreya, a young dragon pilot with brown spiky hair and green eyes, wearing her pilot's goggles and a red kimono. In her arms, cuddling, is Shichimi, short hair, very light blonde, and red eyes. She wears a lighter kimono with floral decorations. The pose is intimate, but both figures look at the viewer with confidence and determination.

Das ist die
"Ich hab schon gewÀhlt" La-O-La-Welle

Ihr dĂŒrft erst boosten, wenn ihr schon gewĂ€hlt habt.
(Wer noch nicht wÀhlen war, gibt ein Like)

I've been pretty comfortable in what others have delineated as "queer mastodon" for years now. I don't see most of the behaviors people decry about "tech mastodon", despite talking about technology with other people that are also interested in technology. But the same reciprocal attitude of respect permeates our interactions.

But then, once a week or so, one of my posts will reach escape velocity and a bunch of strangers will flood my mentions with arrogance or needless hostility. And then I'm like, "Oh, this must be what other folks (often from different marginalized groups than myself) mean when they say Mastodon has a ____ problem."

So I'd just like to thank everyone that I interact with for not being jerks all the time.

That goes especially to the folks that moderate the instances I mostly interact with. Whatever volumes of bullshit y'all deal with, you've managed to curate healthy environments. It makes a difference.

HĂ€tten Kinder und Jugendliche die Wahl, dann wĂŒrde sich die Mehrheit fĂŒr die Linkspartei entscheiden. So das Ergebnis der U18-Bundestagswahl, an der sich fast 170.000 junge Menschen beteiligt haben. Von J. Eberl und M. Krczal.

Testwahl: Kinder und Jugendliche wĂŒrden links wĂ€hlen

@tagesschau @dielinke

Auf Insta gesehen, hier noch nicht ....

Ein Kind wÀhlt

Storytime: Queers make the world a safer place

A straight white guy friend was complaining about not being able to find any gaming groups for WoW that weren't full of MAGA assholes. He said he keeps joining guilds with older (60+) casual gamers like himself because he can't keep up with the kids, and he'll start to make friends, but then they will reveal themselves to be Trump-lovers. He asked, "What am I doing wrong?"

I said, "First of all, your screen name is Russian. Leftys are gonna be wary of that, and the Alt-right loves it.
Second, you should put some social signals in your bio, like pronouns."

"Okay, but how do I tell people I'm cool, but I'm not gay or trans?"
I explained to him what "cis" and "ally" mean. He had never heard of this before, which showed me what kind of online spaces he was landing in.

Next, I said, "Look for the furries."
"But, I'm not a furry?"
"Yes, but the presence of furries are like lichen. They are a sign of a healthy ecosystem."

This was about 3 months ago. Now, he tells me he joined a guild labeled as LGBTQ-friendly and has made several new cool friends. He says, "I thought they would be talking about sex all the time but it's just a regular group." He mentioned that there are many women and PoC in the group too, and "Everyone's so nice on dungeon runs, telling people they did a good job and being supportive, sharing loot."

I didn't tell him that this is what the whole world would be like without patriarchal toxic masculinity, because I think he figured it out himself.

Persönliches erleben von Anschlag, Politik und Rassissmus

Hallo liebe Freund:innen,

ich bin jetzt langsam so weit darĂŒber schreiben zu können:
Ich war am Donnerstag auf der Streikdemo von Verdi als der Anschlag passierte. Das Auto kam dort zum stehen, wo mein Kollege und ich gerade noch gelaufen waren. Die Situation war sehr unĂŒbersichtlich. Wir wussten nicht, wer von uns verletzt war. Ob jemand sterben wĂŒrde. Die Situation war und ist schwer zu ertragen. (1/x)

Here’s what the assholes attacking Codeberg to try and make it unsuable don’t understand:

It doesn’t matter.

I can’t push to Codeberg right now? So fucking what?

You think I’m going to go running back to Github because you’ve temporarily inconvenienced me?

You think I give a couple of hundred euros to Codeberg every year to demand perfect service?

I support them by hosting my code there and by donating to them because I believe in what they do and because I want to see them succeed and to support alternatives to the likes of toxic trillion-dollar corporations like Microsoft.

So go ahead, take them off the web for as long as you can. When you’re bored, or out of money, or whatever, I’ll still be there, on Codeberg, happily supporting a local and ethical alternative to your US/Silicon Valley/Big Tech bullshit.
