Es gibt kein „KI-DSGVO-Dilemma“.
Es gibt ein „KI-Dilemma“.
Das Recht stößt nicht an technische Grenzen.
Die Technik stößt an rechtliche, ethische, moralische und ökologische Grenzen.
Ich bin es so fucking Leid, diese als Jura getarnte Business-Promoter zu sehen.
![Screenshot von Zu sehen ist ein Bild mit drei weissen Männern in einem Videocall. Darunter der Text:
„Auslegungssache 109: Das KI-DSGVO-Dilemma
Die DSGVO verlangt, dass Betroffene Daten in KI-Modellen ändern lassen können. Doch wie soll das gehen? Die Anwendung von Recht stößt nun an technische Grenzen.“ Screenshot von Zu sehen ist ein Bild mit drei weissen Männern in einem Videocall. Darunter der Text:
„Auslegungssache 109: Das KI-DSGVO-Dilemma
Die DSGVO verlangt, dass Betroffene Daten in KI-Modellen ändern lassen können. Doch wie soll das gehen? Die Anwendung von Recht stößt nun an technische Grenzen.“](
What do the Prime Minister of France, the founder of #CreativeCommons, the COs of #RedHat and @opensuse and thousands of children have in common? They all love 💕 "Ada & Zangemann - A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream"
💥 We want to go create an animated movie about Ada’s story!
🚀 To produce the movie in English, French, German, and Italian will cost us €40,000. Your donation will make a difference for many children who will be inspired by Ada!
![Illustration from the book 'Ada & Zangemann'
Illustration from the book 'Ada & Zangemann'](
I've read at least 3 very good posts/essays about why "no politics" rules are inherently conservative political stances in their own right and harmful to marginalized people, whose lived experiences are politicized, does anyone have a link to one handy?
I'm hoping to convince the moderators of a popular Discord server to change their "no politics" policy into a more proactive and supportive one. They've already said they're willing to consider it if I can give them a good argument
Please boost for wider reach
For my birthday, I'd really like it if my beloved fedi could spread word far and wide of Kitsune Tails. It's a platformer with a heartwarming story featuring queer main characters and personal discoveries in classic SMB3 style. You can find trailer, screenshots, and wishlist links here:
It's coming out this year and the team and I have been working hard on it for several years now. Most of the team is queer in some form so by boosting you'd not only be making me happy on my birthday, but supporting a bunch of queer creators making queer art as well
Final tally, aggregating the pre-edit version with 620 respondents with the subsequent 2252 respondents
The slash line is “Upset/Angry” followed by “Somewhat irritated” followed by “Doesn’t bother me”.
Votes: 111/813/1047
Percentages: 5.6%/41.2%/53.1%
901 guys waiting patiently in The Chairs, watching.
Thank you to all the respondents, voters and observers.
Please only take the survey if you are a non-guy or do not identify as a guy, even though you may be cosplaying one for the time being.
As for the guys, please wait over there for a moment ::motions to a set of several The Chairs::
edit: You can select the “Guy in “The Chair”, watching” option, which will give you access to the results.
Edit: Oops. Editing the poll resets it.
620 people had responded. The results were 7%/44%/49% to that point.
Please boost for visibility.
The survey question:
How do you feel about the use of the term “guys” for addressing a group that includes at least one non-guy?
Here’s an idea: let’s call people “people” on the fediverse instead of “users” whenever we can.
“There are 42 users on this instance.”
“There are 42 people on this instance.”
Which acknowledges our humanity more?
Language matters. We don’t need to perpetuate mainstream technology’s othering/colonial framing of “us” – designers/developers/other “clever folks” – and “them” – the users (usually one step removed from “dumb user” and usually the ones who get used).
Morning routine
![Panel 1: Pepper sleeps in a cozy bed, her haircut is clumsy, she is slightly irritated. It's early morning. She is surrounded with spell books, an alarm clock, carrot is also on the bed.
> SoundFx (alarm): Ring! Ring! Ring!
Panel 2: Pepper walks in the stairs like a zombie in her nightdress. A gentle cloud of flavor guide her.
Panel 3. Still foggy, she is ready jumps on a DIY wooden hook of a swimming pool, many books are arranged under to make it like a stair. The smell comes clearly underneath her.
Panel 4. She barely floats face downward, on a huge cup of coffee. Carrot watches surprised on the top of the plank.
> Pepper: BLOOP BLOOP BLOOP BLOOP. Panel 1: Pepper sleeps in a cozy bed, her haircut is clumsy, she is slightly irritated. It's early morning. She is surrounded with spell books, an alarm clock, carrot is also on the bed.
> SoundFx (alarm): Ring! Ring! Ring!
Panel 2: Pepper walks in the stairs like a zombie in her nightdress. A gentle cloud of flavor guide her.
Panel 3. Still foggy, she is ready jumps on a DIY wooden hook of a swimming pool, many books are arranged under to make it like a stair. The smell comes clearly underneath her.
Panel 4. She barely floats face downward, on a huge cup of coffee. Carrot watches surprised on the top of the plank.
Spritely Goblins v0.13.0 is OUT! More powerful than ever, it includes a whole new persistence system and, long requested, easier more goblins'y IO!
Distributed programming has never been so cool! But there's more to say about this release... (cotd)
![Goblins 0.13.0, new release! A purple hand draws a line to treasure! Goblins 0.13.0, new release! A purple hand draws a line to treasure!](
Wusstest du, dass die Zahl ausländischer Tatverdächtiger von Gewaltverbrechen 2023 zurückgegangen ist? Dass das Verhältnis der Straftaten mit ausländischen Tatverdächtigen im Vergleich zur ausländischen Wohnbevölkerung gesunken ist? Die PKS wird massiv medial missbraucht, um Rassismus zu schüren. Dabei wird auf so vielen Ebenen verzerrt. Hier ein deep dive mit allem, was du wissen musst, um AfD, BILD & Co. zu durchschauen.
Zrythm 1.0.0-rc.0 has been released!
This is the first release candidate for version 1.0.0 after a long (5 years) and continuous iteration of feature development, bugfixes and improvements based on user feedback.
After some cleanup and bugfixes we will release v1.0.0.
Release notes:
Learn more:
Support development by purchasing an installer or donating:
![app screenshot app screenshot]( has been migrated to our own hardware
with that said. Fuck you Hetzner, banning LGBT sites and randomly taking other peoples accounts down, while hosting the german politcal party AfD a well known nazi party
everyone lets post yuri to celebrate this occasion
I saw a post here (that I can't find) that kinda changed my life.
It said the best first step to changing the world into a better place is to just stop making fun of people *or yourself*. Ever. For anything. Including in your own thoughts that you may never speak aloud.
I try very hard to do this! it's such a stabler and nicer-feeling foundation to my thoughts and my life. It sheds a mental weight/burden I couldn't see before.
Such a great distilled bit of advice for a big concept!
The little dryad is finished.
I really liked this exercise in experimenting with different media (watercolour, gouache and coloured pencils).
I will do it again!
![Portrait d'une femme avec une chevelure de feuilles et de fleurs. Ses yeux sont bleus. Autour, on retrouve du matériel de dessin (des pots de peintures, des crayons de couleurs et des pinceaux) Portrait d'une femme avec une chevelure de feuilles et de fleurs. Ses yeux sont bleus. Autour, on retrouve du matériel de dessin (des pots de peintures, des crayons de couleurs et des pinceaux)](
@Cyb3rrunn3r @jakob_thoboell @olaf @fedibikes
Ich denke nicht, wenn die sich ihres tödlichen Gefahrenpotenzials bewusst wären und sich tatsächlich auf das Autofahren und nicht auf Termine, schlechten Sex, Radio, Navi, Klimaanlage, Handy, ... konzentrieren würden, würden sie ziemlich sicher für alle sicherer mit dem Auto fahren.
@morsuapri @jakob_thoboell @olaf @fedibikes 👍
Damit würde man die Blechdosenlenker aber heilos überfordern.
As seen in the Anarchist Pedagogigies Collective
![An image of a cozy public library, with people reading and chilling at night with a text by user erinroseglass that says "what if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation" An image of a cozy public library, with people reading and chilling at night with a text by user erinroseglass that says "what if public libraries were open late every night and we could engage in public life there instead of having to choose between drinking at the bar and domestic isolation"](
Before I fully understood my gender identity, my wife casually mentioned more than once, "If you ever decide to transition, I'll support you." At the time, I thought she was joking, so I didn't dwell on it much. However, when I finally realized and came out to her, revealing my transition to womanhood, she wasn't surprised. She confessed she had sensed it all along, which was why she assured me of her support beforehand. What followed was her own revelation: she came out as a lesbian.
Fast forward several months, and she recently shared with me a heartwarming picture. She explained that she had found this picture some time ago and saved it because it resonated with her due to its cuteness. Despite forgetting about it for a while, she stumbled upon it again today and felt it perfectly encapsulated us and our journey together. It's fascinating and wonderful how life unfolds, bringing such meaningful moments to light.
I just wanted to share that picture with you, hoping that you find it as cute and significant as I did.
(edited to clarify that the amount of time when the image was found was not many years ago, instead saying "some time ago")
#LoveIsLove #transgender #MTF #SupportivePartner #CouplesGoals
![This image features two stylized characters with an illustrative, semi-transparent effect. The character on the left is a girl wearing a hat, a shirt, shorts. She's stilized to display the colors of the transgender flag. The character on the right is another girl, dressed in a similar fashion, and is stilized to display the colors of the lesbian flag. The girl on the right is playfully poking the other girl's nose This image features two stylized characters with an illustrative, semi-transparent effect. The character on the left is a girl wearing a hat, a shirt, shorts. She's stilized to display the colors of the transgender flag. The character on the right is another girl, dressed in a similar fashion, and is stilized to display the colors of the lesbian flag. The girl on the right is playfully poking the other girl's nose](
Best thing is:
To opt-out of having my repos in there (my whole github account has been delete for years),I have to create a New Github account so I can open a ticket.
What the actual fuck?!