xpost from linkedin. Would appreciate a signal boost, especially in the EU. Hoping to find a workplace that is as furry friendly as VRChat was.
I'm looking for a new role as a result of the #VRChat layoffs.
About me:
💼 I’m looking for infosec leadership roles.
🌎 I’m open to roles in Ireland.
⭐ I previously worked at VRChat as the lead for their security team.
If you hear of opportunities that you think are worth looking into please send me a message! 🙏 #OpenToWork
"You get more conservative when you get older" only really worked for the generations that got RICHER as they got older.
The real truth was always just "You get more selfish the more money you have".
#conservative #conservatives #conservatism #economics #economy #politics
Kitsune Tails is OUT NOW!! Run, jump, and dash across a land inspired by Japanese mythology and untangle the love triangle between three young women on a journey of self discovery. Explore the complicated relationships between kitsune and humans through classic platforming action.
get it now on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1325260 or itch https://eniko.itch.io/kitsunetails
we're a small underfunded team with a majority queer developers, and while we're punching way above our weight class we need the support of our community if this game is going to be a success. please boost this post, and if you can afford it buy it on steam and leave a positive review on the first day (the text doesn't matter, only the thumbs up, so "i like gay fops" is totally valid as a review)
i also want to prove fedi is powerful enough to make an indie game succeed, so even if you're not personally that into the game, please boost this post? 🙏
Fediverse, ich brauche eure Hilfe! Bald wird meine Website an den Start gehen, die das Ziel verfolgt, Spenden für die Open Medicine Foundation zu sammeln, die an ME/CFS forscht. Ich bin selbst seit 08/2023 schwer an ME/CFS erkrankt und überwiegend bettlägerig. Um die Website, die auch über die Krankheit aufklärt, weit zu streuen, suche ich nach Journalist:innen, die bereit wären, etwas zu diesem Thema zu schreiben und die Website dabei aufzugreifen. Bitte teilen!
I just realized a good argument against computer ads.
Contrary to regular ads, it is actually using your resources (your power, time on the CPU you bought, etc)
So, shouldn't ad companies paying you money for displaying their ads? Like they pay billboard owners or news paper owners, etc.
So until then, using ad block is just preventing theft.
Bock, die #Bundesregierung wegen zu geringer Anstrengungen beim #Klimaschutz zu verklagen, aber keine Ahnung, wie?
Bock, #Wissing und Konsorten in den 🍑 zu treten, aber kein Geld für ne Anwältin?
Gar kein Problem - schließ Dich einfach als Nebenkläger*in der #Verfassungsbeschwerde von @germanwatch an, die sie zusammen mit @greenpeace_de und Einzelkläger*innen, u.a. mir - und Dir? - beim Bundesverfassungsgericht einreichen!
Hier geht´s lang:
Some projects funded by #NGI programme:
GNU #Mes: Full Source bootstrap
GNU Mes on ARM and RISC-V
#Cuirass: Continuous integration system for GNU #Guix
You enjoy how #ReproducibleBuild’s rooted in a minimal binary seed, thanks NGI!
You enjoy to have Guix binary substitutes, thanks NGI!
Support the Open Letter to the European Commission, spread the word.
Details: https://pad.public.cat/lettre-NCP-NGI
One of the reasons I appreciate and respect trans people, is that understanding yourself at that level, and choosing to assert your identity in that way, is punk (as in rock) as fuck.
I suspect this might be what triggers some bigots so easily too. They could never do so for themselves in their own lives.
102% in DE! https://citizens-initiative.europa.eu/initiatives/details/2023/000006_de
🇪🇺 Es gibt eine EU-Petition für eine europ. Vermögenssteuer, initiiert u.a. von Marlene Engelhorn und Thomas Piketty.
💸 Die Steuer wollen sehr viele Menschen, deswegen kann die Petition erfolgreich sein.
🔢 Österreich 20%, da fehlen noch 10.000.
👏 Belgien: 66%, Dänemark 88%
(Frankreich: 200% 😮 )
In vielen Staaten fehlt noch viel.
✍️ Schickt sie in alle Länder - und zeichnet mit!
Settlement news today: Oracle to stop data harvesting and pay $115 million.
Congratulations to Mike Katz-Lacabe, Jennifer Goldbeck, and Lieff Cabraser Heimann & Bernstein, LLP
(We withdrew the global class for which I was a plaintiff)
Context about Oracle’s chicanery —> https://www.iccl.ie/news/class-action-against-oracle/
(Dia)critical error ⚠️
Tö thøse wîth diåcrìtics iñ theïr näme… I şeê yoü!
Why doesn't technology acknowledge our existence? Programmers of the world, we want answers!
Und dann auch noch von "Datenspendenden" reden?
Wenn's um das Gemeinwohl gehen würde, dann sollten diese Daten kostenlos verfügbar sein, schließlich werden die Eingangsdaten von allen Teilnehmenden gespendet.
@fedibikes_de @mastobikes_de
speaking of propagators, this just showed up on the HN front page https://www.orionreed.com/posts/scoped-propagators
very cool!
new blog post: functional reactive user interfaces with propagators
a fun little experiment in declarative ui that doesn't do the react virtual dom thing.
@dthompson @daviwil I remember Sussmann saying the same in *We Really Don't Know How to Compute*, that the syntax he used for propagators is not necessarily final and that we should find a more expressive way to represent them
Personally I think visual graphs show a lot of promise in this regard, since they seem like a pretty nearly 1:1 mapping, e.g.: https://holograph-1.vercel.app/
Vielleicht können CDU/CSU/FDP/SPD/Grüne ja aus Frankreich die Idee abgucken, dass man Wahlen gewinnen kann, wenn man entschieden GEGEN Rechtsextreme auftritt?
(Noch krasser: In dem sie auch noch darauf verzichten, die rassistische Politik einfach selbst zu erledigen?)
I wonder: Does anyone want to write their own browser engine? In your choice of language/framework?
Because I'm happy to mentor! I've found some tricks in my own attempts.
Since I see plenty of thirst for more options...
Dear #blind and #visually_impaired Fedi friends, I hope I can ask you all a question. I am a #writer researching a good publishing plan.
#Accessibility is essential, and I wonder what the modern preferred format for blind readers of self-published or indie novels is.
Additionally, what would your advice be on making #writing more accessible to people who are blind when self-publishing a novel?
Please boost for reach.