Receipts of Jordyn/Eris misgendering @tillshadeisgone, saying they're too light skinned to be a real Black person (Trump much?), and saying that bc they have a beard they don't experience transmisogyny, and being generally abusive.
If you want to continue to defend this behavior, you're an antiblack transphobic piece of shit too.
🌱 My Neighbor Mastodon (and Fediverse)
I'm grateful for reaching 30K followers who appreciate my art here. Thank you, thank you, and thank you for your support!
Ich starte mal eine kleine Linksammlung, wie man sich bei der jeweiligen gesetzlichen Krankenkasse von der elekÂtroÂniÂschen PatiÂenÂtenÂakte (#ePA) abmelden kann (Opt-Out). Bitte weiter vervollständigen - möglichst mit Direktlink und Name der Kasse. 👇
Handelskrankenkasse (hkk):
Techniker Krankenkasse:
Me when running a service:
Oh no. One of our back-end services is down. This is causing latency spikes on the front-end and in the mobile app. Users don't understand what's happening, so they keep hitting reload. This is adding even more load to the server and making things worse. Only technical users know to just wait a while, and then try again later.
Me when using a service:
What the hell?! This should've loaded already! Why so slow?! I'll click reload a few more times! *ReloadReloadReload*
Guile Hoot v0.5.0 RELEASED!
This is a big one folks!
- Eval! Yes we have an actual interpreter, not just compile-time scheme anymore! try the repl right in the blogpost!
- Fibers! Guile's asynchronous programming system comes to the browser!
- BACKTRACES! You've been asking for it, you got it! It's now MUCH easier to debug Hoot programs!
- Even more of Guile's standard library! More Guile programs should run as-is!
- r7rs style define-library modules! That means more unmodified standard scheme programs running out of the box!
And check the blogpost because there's even more!
Four months between releases but we think it's worth it and hope you do too!
no no no *you* can't freely scan through the collected works of humanity, that right is reserved for the large language models.
The Internet Archive losing its appeal means one thing: pirate stuff. Pirate brazenly. There’s no point trying to do it the nice way - you’ll get shut down anyway. Copy, share, and archive to your heart’s content. It’s the only way we’re keeping digital media and our cultural memory intact.
Booste diesen Post, wenn du nie eine Partei dafür wählen würdest, dass sie mehr, schneller und/oder härter abschiebt.
I currently run #Guix on my HP Omen Notebook with a not quite german keyboard.
Switching from #X11 to #Wayland everything seems to work fine. Keyboard works as expected with the german layout in every program. Except in #Emacs. In Emacs I get a US? layout, even though the input method is set to `german-postfix`.
Switching back to #X11 Emacs works as expected.
Does anybody know what could be the cause here?
Because of the Twitter/X ban, many people from Brazil are moving to Mastodon, including Artists, so let's do an Art Share for them only! Let's help them get the boost they need around here!
- In the comments, introduce yourself and show your art!
- Boost this post and the ones from brazilian artists in the comments!
Não fala inglês? Confira a primeira resposta abaixo!
After many months, a lot of work by many people, and countless twists, the #Guix ‘core-updates’ branch has been merged! 🎉
It brings updated libc, GCC, TeX Live, and more—check out ‘guix pull --news’. :-)
I love this person!
*edit* Thanks to all the people who have favourited, boosted and commented on this video. I didn't know the origin so couldn't credit anyone before, however it seems to have been created by Novara Media at
@shockwaver And it perfectly aligns with the lore going back to episodes 1, 2 and 3 as it creates an interesting conversation around the dogma of the Jedi and its consequences. That narrative has been around for forever, and it really dives into why the Sith are such a compelling antagonist.
But yeah you’re not wrong. Andor and The Acolyte were a surprise because Disney isn’t known for great storytelling.
I’m glad we got them, but it’s clear most of the fan base doesn’t care about compelling narratives either, so we’re going to get more Obi Wan Kenobi like shows that just give people nostalgia with zero substance.
The conversation around The Acolyte is insanity.
It’s been the best show since Andor because it explores aspects of Star Wars lore that have largely been ignored because Disney focuses on easy to digest simple good vs evil narratives to appeal to as many eyes as possible.
Just like every quality show that takes risks, it has its issues but the story is compelling.
Unfortunately, any interesting conversations about the show have been drowned out by bigots who are just really upset about Black and Brown people in space shattering their monoculture delusion about a space fantasy.
I’ll always love Star Wars, but the fan base is toxic to anything not white.
It just hates anything that deviates from this white savior narrative they’ve completely made up and isn’t even in line with the original story.
Keine Ahnung ob ich das kann! Noch steht nicht ganz fest welches Bett es wird 😅
Ihr gebt mir alle jedoch den Mut das am Ende wirklich auszuprobieren 😊
@fedibibikes_de @fedibikes
Wird gemacht! Und Dein Bild zeigt mir ganz gut, wie ich auch ein ganzes Bett transportieren kann 🤩
Ich besorg mir jetzt erstmal passende Gurte um solche Ladungen sichern zu können.
Sobald ich ein Bett hier in der Nähe gefunden und dann hoffentlich auch transportiert bekommen habe, melde ich mich hier noch mal mit ein paar Bildern!
@fedibibikes_de @fedibikes
Damit wäre das sicherlich ein Klacks!
Mein Zweitrad ist nur leider nicht dafür ausgelegt große Lasten zu ziehen. Das fällt also leider raus 😔
Das mit dem aufhängen klingt auch interessant!
Mit einem Anhänger wäre natürlich super praktisch. Davon habe ich nur leider keinen zur Hand.