Social - Alice Ice

Social - Alice Ice

aliceice |

I have `:comments link` in my Org Babel default header args to theoretically make it possible to use `M-x org-babel-detangle`, although I haven't actually made a habit of using it yet. I got tripped up because my `;; lexical-binding: t` wasn't the first line of my tangled Emacs Lisp file. Adding `:comments no` to that particular source block fixed it.

@fedibikes @frostpendeln @fedibikes_de
Pedelec ≠ Fahrrad
S-Pedelec ≠ Fahrrad
Bitte nennt ein Fahrrad nicht „Biobike“, sondern Fahrrad!
Nur meine Meinung. 😀

"Sustainable Web Interest Group is Formed" by @tzviya
"The mission of the Sustainable Web Interest Group is to improve digital sustainability so that the Web works better for all people and the planet.... [The group] will publish the Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG)... The WSG explains how to design and implement digital products and services that put people and the planet first."
See more at:

@abcdw Well deserved. We talk about your work often at Spritely!

@cwebber Thank you for kind words. It's really nice to hear it from you. Appreciate it.

I think Guile actually has a lot of promise which has been being realized recently, though.  Guix brought the initial life to Guile which, for instance, allowed Spritely to be bold enough to choose Guile as its foundation (of course we dabbled in Racket initially; I am glad we landed in Guile-land again).  We have to do a lot to make Guile more accessible and better maintained.  I think Hoot will help a lot with that; I've also been impressed with a lot of the work that Andrew Tropin has done, but there's a lot more in general.

Computing paradigm shift, a thread

I recognized some of the building blocks of the future years ago, in particular WASM and WebGPU. I've hesitated to embrace them because of their dependency on the web and the browser ecosystem, and because of my terror over what I knew capitalism plans to do with them, which is to move us entirely to a subscription-based software model where we have no control at all over our data. The "legacy web" will be replaced with "content-delivery services" that can't be scraped or used in any other way without some kind of business relationship. Which is exactly the direction Reddit and Twitter have gone even without needing WASM for the rendering piece.


@Scmbradley I revisit periodically and always find something new to try.

story scene screenshot of Lyn from Fire Emblem (GBA) - a young woman with long green hair - saying: "I do not love my country. I love the people in it and want their needs met."

animal death

Side note, to get into a heavy topic:

If you own an animal you have to be willing to be there when they die.

This is non-negotiable and I am a _serious_ hardliner on this.

You don't have to actually be there if circumstances conspire to keep you away, you don't have to be the one to do for most animals. But the reason you can't be there cannot be your unwillingness to be in the room.

This is absolutely 100% non-negotiable. If you can't do this then you should not own an animal.

We’re excited to launch Mosaic: a new initiative from the Bonfire team that empowers organisations by creating their own customised and federated digital space - build just for them.

✨ Learn more about Mosaic:

📣 Read our announcement post:

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Comrades, the Science channels have moved from GitHub to Codeberg 👇

Migration was very easy and complete, with pull requests migrated without loss. We have yet to see how contributors can resume work on PRs opened pre-migration, but it looks great so far!

Gemeinsam mit Marco Wanderwitz (CDU), Martina Renner (Linke), Carmen Wegge (SPD) & vielen anderen Abgeordneten demokr. Parteien setze ich mich dafür ein, dass das die Verfassungskonformität der überprüfen darf. Mehr Infos auf: https://www.afd-prü

Selten eine so energische Rede von Katharina Dröge gesehen. Heute im Bundestag sargte sie Friedrich Merz sehenswert ein. Der kann nur noch mit dem Kopf schütteln. Weiter so!!!

@katdro ☑️ ☑️ ☑️

@MDradelt @fedibikes @mastobikes_de es gibt Kommunen in diesem Bundesland die pinseln Radstreifen in der Breite auf die Straße, natürlich nur dort wo zwischen Gehweg und Fahrspur kein Parkplatz hinpasst. Wenn das der Fall ist wird der 2m breite Fußweg mit nem Pinselstrich geteilt und der Radweg in die Dooringzone der Beifahrer und Kinder verschwenkt.
An den schönsten Stellen gibt es dann noch Haltestellen mit Papierkorb und Bank, Hauseingangstreppen usw. die den verkrüppelten Fußweg versperren.

once you realize that the core dream of language model AI proponents is “owning a slave” you really can’t unsee it.

😮‍💨 Panikattacken? Die richtige Atmung kann helfen! Wenn dein Herz rast und du das Gefühl hast, die Kontrolle zu verlieren, kannst du mit gezielten Atemübungen den Körper wieder beruhigen. Atemtechniken wie die 4-7-8-Methode können Wunder wirken, um Stress zu mindern, den Herzschlag zu verlangsamen und den Blutdruck zu senken.

Weitere Tipps im Umgang mit Angst, findet ihr hier:


4-7-8 Atemtechnik: Was hilft bei einer Panikattacke?

Ruhig durch die Nase einatmen, währenddessen innerlich bis 4 zählen.

Luft anhalten und dabei idealerweise bis 7 zählen.

Mit geöffnetem Mund und hörbarem Geräusch vollständig ausatmen, dabei bist 8 zählen.

4 mal wiederholen.

🥳 Dutch parliament just broadly passed a motion instructing the government to 'clearly and durably' argue against any future proposals that might entail a detection order that applies to the private communication of all Europeans! And also to come up with better plans to combat the scourge of , while (this time) also consulting with experts.

The original REPL

A black and white photo of IBM 1401 Data Processing System. Three separate cupboard-sized devices in a room, labeled from the left: 1402 Card Read-Punch, 1401 Processing Unit, 1403 Printer.

Over photo, pint marker labels points to the them with read/eval/print and an arrow from printer to reader as a loop

@titanmanfred @fedibikes

Aber nur, wenn ich die komplette Strecke auf der Fahrbahn fahren kann.
Kann ich aber leider nicht, da es zwischendurch benutzungspflichtige Rad/Fußwege gibt 🫤
