Social - Alice Ice

Social - Alice Ice

@tio I tried your #friendica instance and am still not sold.

You praise the RSS integration, but to me it is subpar, as I really like to have my feeds in chronological order.

Everything else is (at least from my point of view) same same as kinda every other fedi-server

@tio Maybe I didn't See how to get chronological order 🤔

All the other stuff is not for me as it seems. At least it's nothing I'm interested in right now.

@liwott @tio @apps Thank you! Will have a look later 😊

@liwott @apps @tio

In the end I came to the conclusion, tha I do not like Friendica.

- The RSS Integration is nice, but I like to read my feeds from oldest to newest.
- At least for me, it was hard to see what exactly was new when a post reappeared in the latest activities stream.
- All the other stuff is probalby nice, but not something I really need for social networking.

Still, thank you for providing so many awesome trade-free services @tio @trom